Now Accepting Online Enrollments

Big! Exciting! Enrollment News!

Now Accepting Online Enrollments

Over the next several weeks GarityAdvantage is phasing out the process of emailing applications to the Enrollment Team and moving towards the easier method of submitting through our website.

We are doing this for several reasons:

  • To increase security in transmitting personal data
  • To eliminate files getting blocked due to size, blacklist or sent to spam
  • To add a tracking component to submitted applications.

Watch the video tutorial or follow the

10 simple steps below to get started!

Submitting an app can be accomplished in 10 easy steps:

      1. Log on to our website:
      2. Click on Agent Dashboard Button (Big, Yellow Button on left side of screen)
      3. Choose \”Submit an Enrollment App\”; Your name and email will be pre-filled. Confirm your email on your first application submission
      4. Pick the carrier by drop down menu
      5. Choose the product type: Med Advantage, Med Supp, PDP or Other (Life, Dental etc.)
      6. Select One: New Application or a Correction of a previously submitted application
      7. Enter Client First and Last Name
      8. Add a note if you have additional information to send
      9. Attach your previously scanned PDF file of application
      10. Hit Submit

Within a few seconds you will get a confirmation email.

Use the NEW Agent Dashboard to also:

  • Track applications submitted online to Garity
  • Check the status of you contracting and certifications through Garity
  • Access the Commissions Portal
  • Get Marketing Ideas and Request Co-Op
  • ….And More!