What’s in a name? If you sell life insurance, a trusted name brand can sometimes be the difference-maker you’ll need to close the sale. But in many situations, you’ll also need a flexible, high-quality plan, great rates, an easy application process and, in many cases, simplified or no underwriting to ensure the business sticks.
Gerber Life Insurance has it all–including the right plans, people and processes you need to help you close more business.
We invite you to join Tonya Springer-Taylor, Sales Manager of Agency Distribution at Gerber Life and Jane Feit, Ancillary Products Manager of GarityAdvantage for an information-packed webinar designed to give you the tools and insights you need to effectively pitch Gerber Life Insurance to your senior clients.
At This Webinar You’ll Receive:
- A Step-by-Step Product Review – Spotlight on Gerber’s senior market products including Simplified Issue Whole Life, Guaranteed Issue and Grow Up Plan (for grandchildren)
- Key Selling Strategies – Learn how to position Gerber Products with your senior clients
- Tools and Technologies – Drill down into the Gerber portal to simplify the quoting process and help you write more business
Plus, we’ll announce our new and exciting 1st Quarter 2019 Sales Contest!
We hope you can join us. Register today!
Gerber Life Plans
Simplified Senior Life Insurance:
- Coverage from $25k to $100k

- Available for adults ages 50 – 80
- Guaranteed level premiums
- Approved in all states except NY
Guaranteed Life Insurance:
- Available for adults ages 50 – 80
- Adult coverage from $5k to $25k
- Approval is guaranteed
- Rates guaranteed never to increase
- Approved in all states except MT. Maximum face amount in SD is $15,000
The Grow-Up Plan:
- Children ages 14 days to 14 years
- $10,000 – $50,000 of coverage
- Coverage doubles during age 18
- Builds cash value
- Approved in all states
Get Paid Faster $$
Straight through processing (STP) using Gerber’s Agent Portal
All applications using STP are IGO direct to Gerber Life
One page applications
No signed illustrations required
Simplified or NO underwriting based on product
Customer Friendly
Do not need to be face to face with customer
Customers can sign via email with electronic signatures
Unique products with cross selling opportunities
Contact Jane Feit for more information.
Jane Feit
Ancillary Products Manager