Medicare Advantage
Competitive Health Plans for Real Life and Peace of Mind
A leading provider of Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans, GarityAdvantage represents trusted insurance carriers of these CMS approved health plans for Medicare Beneficiaries. These comprehensive plans are designed to provide Medicare Beneficiaries with the appropriate medical and prescription drug benefits they need at a price they can afford. They provide seniors and their families peace of mind and flexibility with features that include:

Medicare Advantage Plans
- Comprehensive medical benefits that must be at least as good as those provided by Original Medicare.
- Additional benefits above and beyond those provided by Original Medicare are often included (Dental, Hearing, Vision, and Wellness)
- Variety of plan designs to choose from: HMO, PPO, Private Fee for Service (PFFS)
- Low co-payments and premiums
- Annual out-of-pocket limits
- Plans available with integrated Prescription Drug coverage (MAPD) or Medical only (MA)
- Special Need Plans (SNP’s) for those who qualify with specific chronic medical conditions
- Special Need Plans for Dual Eligibles (Medicare/Medicaid)
Prescription Drug Plans (PDP)
- Stand alone PDP coverage
- Wide range of plans available to meet your formulary needs
- Plans available with coverage into the Coverage Gap
At GarityAdvantage, we offer:
- Top Rated Products
- Competitive Rates
- Generous Commissions
- Excellent Service
- Comprehensive Training
For more information about Medicare Advantage Plans in your state, please call us at 800-234-9488.
We currently represent many carriers throughout the US. Visit the carriers page for a current list, contracting information, and state availability.