Are changes in the PDP market driving you crazy?
Are changes in the PDP market driving you crazy?
You are not alone! A lot has happened in the Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) market over the past year. Here are just a few of the biggest trends:
- Big carriers buying and selling plans
- Millions of members getting word that their PDP is with a different carrier
- Significant plan changes across the industry requiring more members to make decisions on where to go in 2020
- Agents being left out of the selling process due to carrier’s referring YOUR members to THEIR internal sales teams
- Supply ordering delays, enrollment submission snags and finding no-one available to answer your questions at the carrier.
Sound familiar? We have a solution we’d like you to consider…
Simplify your PDP selling with EnvisionRxPlus
- Envision is an independent PDP provider with a low cost plan – $13.70-$14.20
- PDP is their only product line
- Easy access to supplies and all forms downloadable from website
- They are small and highly responsive to brokers
- Envision pays the maximum allowable commission by CMS – $78 New $39 Renewal
Learn More and Request Contracting TODAY!
Available in: AL, CA, CT, DE, DC, GA, IN, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MS, NH, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, TN, TX, SC, VA, VT, WA, WV