Selling Medicare Supplements to seniors is a great way to grow your business. But with so many companies on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. That is why we are excited to invite you to Integrity’s upcoming webinars where you will learn all about why these Med Supp carriers should be part of your sales tool kit!
As an insurance agent, you know that selling Medicare Supplements to seniors is a great way to grow your business. But with so many companies on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. That is why we are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinars where you will learn all about why Lumico, ABL, Medico and Humana should be part of your sales tool kit!
As of June 1st, 2023, you can offer a Medicare Supplement from a national carrier with one of the lowest Plan G rates in Connecticut and Supp 1A rates in the Massachusetts after 12% household discount.
PLUS – the carrier is offering high commissions for this plan plus additional sales bonuses. It’s a WIN/WIN for you and your clients! Call orclick to request details.
Contact your local area sales team at 800-234-9488
Theresa Gontarek
National Director of Sales
Cassandra Lamb
Sales Support Specialist
Jane Feit
Senior Territory Manager
Taylor Burt
Sales Support Specialist
Susan Young
Senior Territory Manager
Emily Pietrasik
Sales Support Specialist
Who is GarityAdvantage?
GarityAdvantageis a National Marketing Organization (NMO) for the top local, regional and national Medicare carriers.We approach our role with brokers a bit differently than our competitors – as we provide local market teams to work with you side-by-side to ensure you succeed.
This allows us to actively develop targeted lead programs and local market opportunities to help you prospect and sell as well as deliver personalized training, ongoing marketing support and co-op funding to support your specific needs. We also offer the latest tech tools to help manage your business including efficient lead calling tools, an agent dashboard and MedicareCENTER, a virtual quote and enrollment platform. Rounding out our support is a back office team helping you every step of the way with contracting, commissions, enrollments and compliance. Plus, all broker commissions are paid directly to you. You get the whole pie, not just a piece of it! Call us today to learn more or request your contract now.
Health New England & GarityAdvantage Agencies invites you to join your broker peers for a LIVE information-packed morning of networking and learning about the latest opportunities in the Massachusetts senior market.
Topics include:
Review of Heath New England’s Plan offerings including their NEW PPO and their statewide Med Supp (theLowest commissionable Med Supp plan 1A in Massachusetts!)
Demo of NEW HNE Online Enrollment Portal including how to submit electronic apps
How Health New England & GarityAdvantage can help you grow your Medicare Business
Contracted agents can pick up supplies and materials on-site
Coming soon: An online commission portal
PLUS, Sarah Fernandes, Medicare Sales Manager for Health New England will be there! Talk directly to the carrier about the exciting Medicare opportunities in your own back yard.
Open to agents with or without a current Health New England contract.
GarityAdvantage is a National Marketing Organization (NMO) for the top local, regional and national Medicare carriers. We approach our role with brokers a bit differently than our competitors – as we provide local market teams to work with you side-by-side to ensure you succeed. This allows us to actively develop targeted lead programs and local market opportunities to help you prospect and sell as well as deliver personalized training, ongoing marketing support and co-op funding to support your specific needs. We also offer the latest tech tools to help manage your business including efficient lead calling tools, agent dashboard and Medicare Select-a-Plan, our virtual quote and enrollment platform. Rounding out our support is a back office team helping you every step of the way with contracting, commissions, enrollments and compliance. Plus, all broker commissions are paid directly to you. You get the whole pie, not just a piece of it! Call us today to learn more or request your contract now.
Medicare Supplement options provide brokers with a variety of plan types to offer clients.
Get Your Med Supp Selling Strategy in Gear for 2022!
While the popularity of Advantage plans continues to rise, so do year-round selling opportunities for Medicare Supplements. Are you capturing your share of the Med Supp market?
Join Regional Sales Director, Nicky Skubal from UnitedHealthcare AARP Medicare Supplement and Senior Territory Manager, Shana Conefrey from GarityAdvantage as they break down the when, where, why and how you can offer Medicare Supplement plans to your Medicare-eligible clients.
Get your Medicare Supplement selling strategy in gear and learn more about the:
🏆 Value of Med Supp to the agent
🏆 Value of Med Supp for the client
🏆 Year round opportunity (no CMS red tape)
🏆 Lost opportunity (Med Supp enrollments by the numbers)
🏆 Brand power of UHC/AARP
Did you know… GarityAdvantage provides contracted agents with no-cost and co-op lead programs, live and virtual training, personalized marketing collateral, client retention programs, a virtual selling platform and a knowledgeable team to help you every step of the way. Be sure to request your contracting today to gain access to these valuable marketing tools – plus all the service and support.
The secret sauce to increasing your revenue and customer satisfaction is GTL’s ancillary products.
You have the ingredients to effectively cross sell
The secret sauce to increasing your revenue and customer satisfaction is Guaranteed Trust Life’s (GTL) very competitive portfolio of ancillary products that cover many of the out-of-pocket expenses that Medicare may not. By utilizing a cross selling strategy you’ll learn to spot opportunities to sell this diverse set of ancillary products to your current and future senior clients.
Join GarityAdvantage and GTL’s Demetri Simos, Assistant Vice President Sales, as we explore cross selling options such as:
Hospital Indemnity take advantage of this important second item found on most Scope forms
Short Term Home Health Care helps cover deductibles and co-payments for home health care services
Recover Cash provides short term nursing home benefits for your clients
Medicare Supplement helps fill the gap where Medicare falls short, so your clients can feel more secure about the road ahead
Precision Care™ Cancer Insurance is designed to help policyholders faced with a cancer diagnosis afford and have access to groundbreaking treatment advancements which may not be covered by other insurance.
GarityAdvantage is a National Marketing Organization (NMO) for the top local, regional and national Medicare carriers. We approach our role with brokers a bit differently than our competitors – as we provide local market teams to work with you side-by-side to ensure you succeed. This allows us to actively develop targeted lead programs and local market opportunities to help you prospect and sell as well as deliver personalized training, ongoing marketing support and co-op funding to support your specific needs. We also offer the latest tech tools to help manage your business including efficient lead calling tools, agent dashboard, CRM and Medicare Select-a-Plan, our virtual quote and enrollment platform. Rounding out our support is a back office team helping you every step of the way with contracting, commissions, enrollments and compliance. Plus, all broker commissions are paid directly to you. You get the whole pie, not just a piece of it! Call us today to learn more and request your contract!
BCBSRI offers a unique coverage guarantee that you don’t want to miss out on!
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island
Plan 65 Medicare Supplement Plans
Join us for a deep dive review of BCBSRIs Plan 65 supplement plans. Learn which of your clients are eligible and how you can help them navigate the sometimes overwhelming decision of Medicare Supplement versus Medicare Advantage. BCBSRI has competitive pricing, never medically underwrites your clients, and offers a unique coverage guarantee that you don’t want to miss out on!
BCBSRI Plan 65 rates effective July 1
Plan 65 eligibility deep dive
Supp vs. PPO – Valuable info to provide to your clients
Did you know… GarityAdvantage provides contracted agents with no-cost and co-op lead programs, live and virtual training, personalized marketing collateral, client retention programs, a virtual selling platform and a knowledgeable team to help you every step of the way. Be sure to request your contracting today to gain access to these valuable marketing tools – plus all the service and support.
Want to save your small employer group clients thousands of dollars while providing more flexible benefits for their employees age 65 and older?
Premier Senior Health Plan (PSHP) is an employer sponsored group Medicare Supplement & optional Part D Rx plan for people age 65 and older. Their plans can help to drastically reduce group medical insurance costs in groups as small as one life. PSHP pays the out‐of‐pocket medical expenses covered but not paid in full by Medicare.
Join GarityAdvantage Agency’s Jeanette Natale, Senior Territory Manager, and Premier Senior Health Plan’s Sam Molner, Director of Sales and Business Development and Rebecca Molner, Business Development Specialist, as they discuss the plan, how it works, and the numerous advantages to employers.
Plus, they will speak about the allnew Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) feature!
GarityAdvantage is a National Marketing Organization (NMO) for the top local, regional, and national Medicare carriers. We approach our role with brokers a bit differently than our competitors – as we provide local market teams to work with you side-by-side to ensure you succeed. This allows us to actively develop targeted lead programs and local market opportunities to help you prospect and sell as well as deliver personalized training, ongoing marketing support and co-op funding to support your specific needs. We also offer the latest tech tools to help manage your business including efficient lead calling tools, agent dashboard, and Medicare Select-a-Plan, our virtual quote and enrollment platform. Rounding out our support is a back-office team helping you every step of the way with contracting, commissions, enrollments and compliance. Plus, all broker commissions are paid directly to you. You get the whole pie, not just a piece of it! Call us today to learn more!
Get to know why Health New England is an indispensable carrier to have in your book of business.
Join GarityAdvantage Agencies’ Territory Manager, Jane Feit, and Sarah Fernandes, Medicare Sales Manager at Health New England, for a very informative webcast focused on why no agent in Western Massachusetts should be without Health New England in their portfolio.
Health New England Plan Highlights:
Contracting to sell the Medicare Supplement is easy – no certification requirements – NO AHIP
Premium discount of 15% for the first 24 months of enrollment for people turning 65 or enrolling in Part B for the first time.
Commissions for Medicare Supplement Plans: $250/year – year 1 of policy, $205/year – years 2-10.
HNE offers 7 Medicare Advantage plans –ranging in price from $0 – $166 per month
Enrollments can be done online using the Health New England Portal, by telephone with the Tele Sales Team, or using paper apps (faxed, emailed or mailed).
HNE is part of Baystate Health – one of the largest providers in Western Mass. HNE’s Medicare Advantage coverage extends throughout Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire counties and features seven competitive plans for 2021. In addition, HNE offers one of the most price competitive Med Supps and is available statewide.
Jane Feit
Territory Manager, MA/RI
800-234-9488 Email
Emily Pietrasik Sales Support Specialist 800-234-9488 Email
WHY GarityAdvantage?
GarityAdvantage is a National Marketing Organization (NMO) for the top local, regional and national Medicare carriers. We are the only NMO physically located here in New England. We support our brokers with personalized training, unlimited co-op marketing dollars, a virtual enrollment platform, complimentary leads during AEP and exceptional support throughout the year. Plus, all broker commissions are paid directly to you.You get the whole pie, not just a piece of it! Request an HPHC contract or add another great carrier to your portfolio.
You could make up to an additional $300 per sale by selling approved Medicare Supplement Plans.
How much you earn is up to you!
You could make up to an additional $300 per sale by
selling approved Medicare Supplement Plans…
This is a great time to build your business by offering Anthem Medicare Supplement plans. With thousands of people turning 65 every day, don’t miss this opportunity to sell more and earn more!
Sell 2-4 and earn an additional $150 bonus per sale!
Sell 5-9 and earn an additional $250 bonus per sale!
Sell 10+ and earn an additional $300 bonus per sale!
The Sell More/Earn More Medicare Supplement Bonus is available for New Hampshire Plan G & N Enrollments with 3/1, 4/1, 5/1 and 6/1/21 Effective Dates.*
How to play: Watch the video, listen carefully for the Phrase that Pays, and take notes on how to win your SUMMER BUNDLE!
Text Connie or Amy with the PHRASE THAT PAYS by April 30!
Connie Cimler 603-657-0708
Amy Roberts 207-210-2995
Questions? Contact your sales team.
Susan Young Senior Territory Manager, ME/NH/VT/Upstate NY
800-234-9488 Email
Emily Pietrasik Sales Support Specialist
800-234-9488 Email
*Program Rules:
Bonus applies to Plans G & N ONLY. Bonus calculations are based on individual agent sales only. Sales are not cumulative at the agency level. All per sale bonus amounts are in addition to the standard broker compensation. All per sale bonus amounts are earned for Medicare Supplement enrollments for that particular month only. All per sale bonus amounts are noncumulative; each month is treated separately. Incentive is limited to new enrollees only and based upon approval of the policy. All incentives
will be paid within ninety days from the end of the qualifying month. Anthem reserves the right to make all rules and determinations regarding the bonus program, and may modify or eliminate the program at any time without notice.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. HMO plans are administered by Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc. and underwritten by Matthew Thornton Health Plan, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.