Final Expense Training [MA.RI.CT]
After our successful roll out of Settlers Life Express App, you are invited* to a LIVE, face-to-face sales training featuring the Settlers Selling System.
Are you ready to generate serious income from Final Expense?
At the training, you will receive;
- A step by step walk through of Settlers presentation including the sales track, the Funeral Rule and the Fridge Magnet/instant referral generator
- Appointment setting scripts, pre-approach letters and objection handlers
- Details of GarityAdvantage FAST START LEAD Program
You will learn about;
- NEW Express App – get your client an offer in just 10 minutes with NO Paperwork at all
- Settlers Incentives for brokers including up to 3 reward trips your first year
- Monthly Cash Bonuses that can total $2,500 or more
- Settlers field-tested sales materials that help you close AND generate a flow of new leads
Register Today ~ Seats are Limited
Tuesday, May 9th, 10AM-12PM
Embassy Suites: 550 Winter St., Waltham, MA 02451
Wednesday, May 10th, 10AM-12PM
Marriott Downtown: 1 Orms St., Providence, RI 02904
Monday, May 15th, 10AM-12PM
Garity Advantage Office: 154 State St., North Haven, CT 06473
* This live training event is designed to get YOU ready to start selling Settlers Life immediately. For this reason we are requesting that all attendees complete Settlers Life contracting paperwork in advance.
Contact us if you have any questions: 800-234-9488 |