Access the portal and certify today!
2024 Certification Instructions for
MediGold and Trinity Health of New England
Below are instructions to get you contracted and certified. Follow the steps carefully and reach out if you have any issues.
Log in to Miramar: Agent, the Certification Portal used by these carriers, to get started!
If you do not have a log in, click on “Register as an Agent”
Once you are logged in, click on the “Register New” button as shown below to register for the MediGold/Trinity Health program.
You will see a box appear where you can then input the Garity agent code 2437MG2024, then click submit.
You will then be directed into the 2024 certification that will take you step by step through the process. There is no test, just a slide presentation. It should be pretty quick (25 minutes) as long as you have your AHIP ready to upload. Once complete, the contracting/certification process by the carrier usually takes about 48 hours / 2 business days to run through to completion.
Additional Notes:
GarityAdvantage Agencies