Want to earn an additional $150 to $250 per Medicare Advantage Sale?
Show your clients Senior Hospital Indemnity products from GarityAdvantage!
What is it?
The perfect complement to your clients Medicare Advantage Plan! These plans help cover the daily hospital co-pay typical of many MA products at a low monthly premium. Hospital Indemnity Insurance is designed to pay a set benefit for hospitalization. The Beneficiary must continue to pay their Part B premium. Designed for clients who have Original Medicare and are facing a Part A Deductible or for those with a Medicare Advantage Plan with In-Patient Hospital co-pays.
It is a cost-effective way to address potential out-of-pocket expenses while in the hospital. There is no network requirement. Benefits are paid directly to the insured, not to the hospital. Pre-existing condition limitations do apply.

How does it work?
- Client buys a stand-alone health policy that pays a flat amount of money per day for any covered hospital confinement.
- Cash benefit is paid directly to your client, regardless of other reimbursement.
- Plans may also include optional riders for ambulance, lump sum cancer, private duty nursing etc
Where do I find prospects?
Your existing clients who have a $0 premium or low cost MA plan; add this coverage for $30-$40 per month and cover their entire hospital co-pay!
It’s a Win/Win for you and your client.
GarityAdvantage offers two competitive products in this market: