2019 Certifications
Launch: June 27th, 2018
2019 Certification Portal
2019 Certification User Guide
With 2019 AEP right around the corner, Anthem’s one-stop certification site will open June 27. The America\’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) compliance training site is available starting June 19.
Certify with Anthem beginning June 27 and save time and money. Anthem makes certifying easy. By accessing our Medicare Certification Training Center through the Producer Toolbox (PTB) beginning June 27, you can complete all modules under 2019 AHIP Compliance Training and 2019 Anthem Product Training in one convenient location. In addition, by using the Anthem PTB to complete your certification, your access code will automatically populate AND you will benefit from a $50 discount off your certification fee.
If you choose to take the AHIP courses directly from the AHIP website, you will not be eligible for the $50 discount and will need to return to the Anthem Medicare Certification Training Center through the Producer Toolbox on June 27 or after to transfer AHIP credits to us for the 2019 certification year. Make your life easier during this busy time of year and certify using Anthem’s One-Stop Medicare Certification Training Center opening June 27.
Certify with Anthem and certify early to earn attractive commissions,* enjoy ongoing revenue and grow your business.
In-progress training will appear as follows in the Certification Training Center:
Here\’s what you will see when you have COMPLETED training in the Certification Training Center :
Anthem offers:
- An extensive provider network for Medicare Advantage plans — offering the physicians and hospitals your clients want
- Unmatched broker support and sales tools
- A company over 73 million Americans trust with their health coverage
- Local leadership and experience
Still need more reasons to certify with Anthem?
- Certify early and you can pre-order enrollment kits so you have materials* earlier in the AEP marketing period;
- Don’t miss our Super Early Bird Bonus! Complete certification by 8/1/18 and get 10 entries for a chance to win a $1,000 Apple Store Gift Card!
- Certify with Anthem and you’ll also be automatically entered into our Medicare Megastar sweepstakes!
THREE GRAND PRIZES will be awarded. You could receive $3,000 toward your choice of a getaway plus a $500 gift card. Please visit www.MedicareMegaStarContestRules.com for full contest rules.
Watch for more information about certifying with Anthem and the Grand Prize Sweepstakes in upcoming newsletters.
Should you have questions, please contact your Sales Director, Regional Sales Manager, or Agent Services by e-mail at medicareagentsupport@anthem.com or by phone at 1-800-633-4368.
CMS requires agents to complete annual compliance and product training (also known as certification*) in order to market Medicare Advantage and Part D products.
*Agents must have current licensure, Anthem certification and appointment in every state they sell in to be eligible for commission payment of sales or to pre-order/order Medicare Advantage enrollment kits.
Anthem reserves the right to make all rules and determinations regarding this program, and may modify or eliminate the program at any time without notice. No sales are required to be eligible for the sweepstakes.
Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare Program.
Contact GarityAdvantage at 800-234-9488 or contracting@garityadvantage.com
formation on this web site is for agent use only. Not intended for use by the general public.