2022 Certification Instructions
The recertification for the MWMA Plan will open on 07/29/2021 for the 2022 AEP selling season. This certification is different for the 2022 year and testing will be on general Medicare knowledge and not on products. (If you need to do the 2021 certification it still has the product test questions).
You will need the following to recertify:
National Producer Number
Verify SSN, name and pertinent info
Banking information (if it changed)
AHIP certificate (if you have completed it- if you need a link for a discount please contact Tim Hicks, Broker Sales Manager)
Current E&O Certificate
Complete your certification for MWMA
If you have not done the 2021 certification you can do that before you do the 2022 recertification. If you choose to not do the 2021, keep in mind that you cannot sell any MWMA product for a 2021 effective date and could face suspension up to and including termination of your contract if you do. Skipping the 2021 and only taking only the 2022 does not certify you for the 2021 year.
If you are recertifying or wanting to take the 2021 recertification please go to the following link: producer.mwmaplan.com
Enter your NPN and verify information is correct (if it is not it can be corrected once logged in). Once logged in then complete needed certification or recertification if you are returning to complete the 2022.
If you have any issues logging using your NPN or you forgot your password from last entry, click “Forgot Password” tab and reset the password. If you are still experiencing issues logging in please reach out to Producer Support at 877-259-8657. They are the only entity that can assist with your login issues as explained during the face to face (or virtual) training you attended.
Contact us if you have any questions: 800-234-9488
For Broker Use Only. Not intended for use as marketing material for the general public.