Cross-Selling Incentive Challenge Leaderboard Fourth Quarter 2018
Don’t forget the Garity 4th Quarter Cross-Selling Challenge is still ON until the end of the year!
Who is in the running to earn our $100 incentive??? There are quite a few vying for the prize – and, in fact, some agents are killing it!
Here are some current stats as of last week – names have been changed to protect the innocent…
Ed in CT – went like gangbusters throughout AEP and sold 20 GTL Hospital Indemnity Plans to 20 Medicare Advantage Clients – he is already at a $200 bonus… can he make it to $300? Plus, he’ll be earning additional bonuses and rewards from carriers – GTL, Anthem, and AARP
John in Maine – doubled his sales by adding 11 Ameritas Dental Plans to 11 of his new Medicare Advantage Plan sales – $100 Bonus
Louise in Virginia – contacted all of her existing clients last fall about final expense, and sold 10 Americo Final Expense Cases to her existing Med Supp Clients. 10 Cross Sold Cases – – $100 Bonus!
Mike in Massachusetts – Caught the GTL Wave and sold 22 Hospital Indemnity Plans to 22 Medicare Advantage clients! Earned big bucks from GTL and Garity! $200 Garity Bonus Plus $550 from GTL = $750 total
There is still time to earn your
$100+ Cross-Selling Bonus
Get Started Today!
Miss the Cross-Selling Challenge Announcement? View the details here
Did you know, December is Med Supp Month! Circle back and cross-sell ancillary product.