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ConnectiCare 2022 Certifications

Access the portal and certify today!

Emblem First Look 2021

ConnectiCare2022 Certification Instructions 

Below you will find instructions to access and complete ConnectiCare’s 2022 Medicare Certifications. Follow the steps carefully and reach out if you have any issues. 

Log in to Miramar: AgentConnectiCare‘s Certification Portal, to get started!

If you do not have a log in, click on “Register as an Agent”

Emblem Certs

Once you are logged in, click on the “Register New” button as shown below to register for the ConnectiCare program.

NOTE: ConnectiCare is under the Emblem Health umbrella. You will follow to ConnectiCare when you pick the state (CT).


Emblem Certs

You will see a box appear where you can then input the Garity agent code 2022EmblemHealth1467, then click submit. 

Emblem Certs

Additional Notes:

  • Have your AHIP PDF ready to attach as that will be required even if you already transmitted.
  • The following browsers are recommended:  Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer (IE) 9+ (IE 11 is best) 
  • Need Technical Support with your Certifications? Access the Self-help portal here

Certification Portal

User Guide

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