Garity Advantage has paired with Delin Design to offer our agents comprehensive brand building and web support.
Delin Design builds user-friendly websites that are easy to maintain, as well as helping you develop a stylish brand identity. They consider your business\’s needs before building a custom website theme based on your unique brand. Sites are responsive to any device, keeping in mind that many of our agents are working on the go. They make it easy for you to promote your services, and work hand-in-hand to ensure that your web footprint is exactly what you\’re looking for.
They are currently offering the following Exclusive Packages to GarityAdvantage Agents. . .
3 Different Website Building Packages
- Website consultation with custom design options that expresses your business
- Customizable WordPress website with complimentary website training
- Responsive design for use on multiple browsers and devices
Brand Development
- Creative campaign development
- Landing page and email design
- Digital advertising creative
Pricing and further details for the tiers/ packages being offered can be found in their GarityAdvantage Services Deck.
Interested in working with Delin? Reach out about their offers, and see some of their past client work on their website
Delin Design is a creative branding and digital agency
located in Providence, Rhode Island. For over 23 years
Delin Design has provided premium creative solutions to
clients spanning a variety of industries. We attribute our
success to our relentless pursuit of truly knowing and
understanding the needs of our clients. With our team of
talented, thought-worthy professionals, we exceed clients’
expectations through attentiveness and pro-activity.