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These materials are strictly for agent use only, and are not intended for the general public. Any dissemination of 2020 plan previews prior to October 1, 2019 is strictly prohibited. 

IMPORTANT: CarePartners of Connecticut First Look is for producer-use only. It\’s confidential and proprietary. Plan designs and service areas described on the 2020 First Look site are pending government approval and are therefor subject to change. Distribution to consumers, other insurers or any other person or company is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for termination of your agreement with CarePartners of Connecticut and its affiliates. 

NOTE: Once you complete the form below, you will be required to log in/register on our website to gain access to the materials. 

Complete the Form to Preview the Benefits

By completing this form and providing your name, email, postal or residential address, and/or phone number, you hereby expressly consent to receive electronic and other communications from GarityAdvantage Agencies, over the short term and periodically, including email communications. These communications will be about their services, new product offers, promotions, and other matters. You may opt out of receiving electronic communications at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions contained in each communication, or by sending an email to You agree that these electronic communications satisfy any legal requirements that communications or notices to you be in writing.